Saturday, 12 October 2013


8 planets in the solar system,
one declared a dwarf,
they all circle the sun,
well maybe not but sort of.

mercury is the nearest,
to the shining sun,
59 earth days for rotation,
88 for the around the sun run.

venus is the second one,
it doesn't have a moon like mercury,
i wonder if the aliens have a fight,
how it is solved since there is certainly no jury.

earth our very own planet,
is the third one in line,
here we have many living creatures,
and humans drinking wine.

mars is quite like earth,
known to have found water and life,
a skeleton of  not a human,
a boy husband and wife.

than comes jupiter the largest planet,
he is totally a gas giant,
the red spot on him is actually a storm,
it is the longest client.

saturn with all it's rings,
circles right behind jupiter,
it's rings look smooth though are very rocky,
think it's becoming rockier.

than comes uranus,
the god of the sky,
it's very cold there,
once you come out you need a fry.

than there is neptune,
with the great dark spot,
it's a never ending storm,
a million times bigger than a pot.

then comes the planet.
which is smallest of all,
it's pluto you guessed it right,
he's cold and very small.

8 planets in the solar system,
one declared a dwarf,
they all circle the sun,
well maybe not but sort of.

                                                                                                                              - utsa

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

life of a busybody

life of a busybody,
is not something you call easy,
they are all very active,
not at all lazy.

but me as an exception,
a sudden busybody,
I used to be lazy,
now I can't be.

just coz my parents,
started this company,
no trips to goa, Secunderabad,
in a weather which is sunny.

right now i find it tiring,
later i may not,
endless ladoos, endless bars,
35,40,100 in a lot.

a company which is called,
grainny's is what we're running,
all the cakes and the energy bars,
even after using millets are coming out stunning.

i hate to be a busybody,
it's so tiring you hardly get sleep,
i hope i'll be fine later on,
and won't be getting to bed counting sheep.

                                                                                                                   - utsa

Friday, 4 October 2013

A fight

sometimes your parents fight,
till the middle of the night,
they shout at each other,
but dada doesn't seem to bother.

mom starts to cry,
dad starts to fry,
they both are very angry,
tries to stop them my nanny.

sometimes others fight too,
everybody stays quiet shooo!
sometimes late sometimes soon,
comes out the bright moon.

they are friends again,
gone is all the pain,
everybody is a family,
my father gave my mom a lily.

                                                                                                                              - utsa